Photovoltaic Solar Panels on a Parking Garage

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Energy, Green Living, Renewable Energy, Solar

Earlier this week, Saint Paul RiverCentre’s parking ramp was outfitted with almost 350 photovoltaic solar panels, funded in part by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and Minnesota Department of Commerce.
Thanks to better designed panels, some of which are made here in Minnesota, installation is cheaper and safer than ever. Major Minnesota companies are getting on board to both save money on utility costs and reduce environmental impacts.

The magnitude of this installation puts the project in the top ten largest state-funded projects to date. As the technology continues to increase year to year, look for more strategic solar installations like this one. Large spaces such as parking garages serve as great locations for these type of projects, which hopefully will move us from the 21st century into the 22nd.

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garage, Let the Sunshine In!, minnesota, parking, photovoltaic, renewable energy, Solar Energy

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